Do you stand out in the noisy

and frenetic world of business?

Barbara Drady, Visibility 360 Inc., and Our Clients Have Been Featured On … And hundreds of other sites

Is This You?

Are you an independent, solo, or entrepreneurial professional in the health, medical, financial, legal, consulting, or coaching field?

Do you come in early and work late trying to juggle all the tasks needing your attention?

Are you struggling with cashflow?
Is your schedule devoid of the high-value new clients needed to be truly successful?

Are you concerned that the stress at the office is affecting your personal relationships?

Do you lie awake at night worrying about keeping your practice afloat?

In a world saturated with "experts," standing out isn't just an option; it's a necessity for survival and success. You must become the authority in your field. If you've ever felt like you're the best-kept secret in your industry, despite having expertise and value that surpasses your competition, then ...

Let's talk about the elephant in the room.


If you're secretly feeling envious of your colleagues who have ... More A-list clients ... Demand and Get Higher fees ... And have more time to enjoy their personal life, keep listening and reading?

Do you wonder what your competitors are doing that you're not?

Do you ever feel like you're walking through molasses ... in a world of sameness?

Do you ever feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?

Then, what I'm about to share with you could very well redefine your professional trajectory and unlock earnings potential you've only dreamed of.

What We Do

Visibility 360 helps independent professionals become respected, recognized, and rewarded as the experts they are so they have consistent client flow, a predictable stream of income, and the time and money to do the things they want to do.

How It Works

At Visibility 360, we elevate your authority and credibility by creating exceptional content to position you as the go-to expert in your field.   Our proprietary, multi-platform strategy ensures your expertise shines across diverse media, creating unmatched visibility and credibility. This the goal of this type of strategy is to increase your visibility and help increase your online presence and your reach to your ideal clients.

Our proven system, called Authority Marketing, elevates your visibility to another level by leveraging our strong media relationships to ensure that with each campaign you are featured on 300+ high authority sites so that we can transform independent professionals into industry leaders, driving engagement, generating high-value leads, and achieving sustained success.

What Is Authority Marketing?

Authority marketing is a strategic approach focused on positioning individuals or brands as the definitive experts and leaders within their industry or niche. This is achieved by consistently creating and disseminating high-quality, valuable content that demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and engages target audiences. Authority marketing leverages a variety of platforms and media channels to amplify visibility, credibility, and ultimately attract high-value clients and opportunities. The goal is to establish the individual or brand as the go-to source for information, solutions, and insights in their field, leading to enhanced reputation, influence, and business success.

Who We Serve

At Visibility 360, we provide specialized proprietary services to Independent Professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Visibility 360 develops and implements strategies and programs for ambitious professionals who are seeking to enhance their online presence and authority. Our goal is to transform their expertise into far reaching influence, guaranteeing that they are respected, followed, and selected as the professional of choice.

If you are an Entrepreneurial Professional, our highly focused mission will elevate your professional stature, putting you in the spotlight, ensuring you're not just seen but recognized for your expertise, as a thought leader, and a key person of influence within your profession.

Our Story

Meet Barbara Drady, the Media Wizard Extraordinaire, the founder and visionary behind Visibility 360, is no ordinary entrepreneur. She has a distinguished track record of success. With a wand (or maybe just a smartphone) in one hand and strategy in the other, she has conjured success from the most unexpected places.

As a serial entrepreneur, Barbara has founded and sold four companies—her track record might make you think she's got a magical touch! But Barbara’s journey isn’t just about business; it’s a tale of resilience, innovation, and a dash of humor.

With a strategic approach and innovative mindset, she has established herself as a leader in her field.

Barbara started out in education. Teaching in very progressive school district. She moved from education to sales when she was recruited by CBS records to be a regional sales manager. She found that teaching had prepared her for sales, after all, as a teacher, she sold ideas every day.

She moved into the highly competitive beverage and wine industry. In 1994, she founded an international wine importing company that she sold to a large French wine concern.

Barbara raised two incredible children as a single mother and later met and married her best friend.

Together, they built two more businesses. Barbara and her husband, John, knew they wanted to produce incredible wines but found it difficult to grow Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in Chicago.

They relocated to the Sonoma Coast region of California where they founded Sonoma Coast Vineyards and became internationally recognized for their production of high-end wines. They sold the winery to a major winery holding company.

Today, the Sonoma Coast Vineyards tasting room sits on the Pacific overlooking beautiful Bodega Bay in Sonoma.

Barbara’s ventures in the wine industry are notable.

She created and pioneered events like the Cabernet Shootout, the Pinot Noir Summit and Wine Boot Camp®, helping over 900 wineries market their wines.

Her innovative approach led to remarkable success, including an impressive email list of 78,000 enthusiastic buyers with a 65% open rate.

Then, life threw a curveball. The tragic events of 9/11 changed everything. Barbara and her husband had to rethink their entire approach.

With the majority of their enthusiastic buyers in the financial and the dotcom arenas, their responsive email list shrunk by 75%.

They had to find another way to build a strong, authentic brand and establish themselves as experts in their niche. Press releases were useful but there were no guarantees that the releases would be published. They needed more.

With persistence, creativity, and a sprinkle of her secret sauce, Barbara developed strong connections with key movers and shakers in the media. In just three years, Barbara’s unique approach led to 29 TV features, top publication spotlights, numerous speaking engagements, and radio, TV, and podcast interviews.

Friends, acquaintances, and even strangers couldn’t help but notice their rising celebrity status and constantly asked for their secret.

Thus, Visibility 360 was born—a company dedicated to helping professionals shine as the go-to experts in their fields.

Barbara’s V360 Advanced Authority Acceleration™ Campaigns are designed to catapult professionals to new heights, increasing their earnings and helping them live their dreams.

Barbara founded Visibility 360 so that highly skilled professionals are able to achieve the same level of visibility and recognition within their own professions as Barbara did for her own enterprises. Increase your earnings and live your dream!

Whether you’re running a small Mom n’ Pop store or a multi-million-dollar corporation, Barbara’s system ensures that the business with the strongest brand wins.

Her secret? A unique blend of persistence, creativity, and those all-important media relationships. So, if you’re ready to step into the spotlight and be recognized as the expert you are, Barbara Drady and Visibility 360 are here to make that happen.

Get ready to amplify your authority, increase your visibility, and, most importantly, have a bit of fun along the way!

V360’s Advanced Authority Acceleration

Campaigns are proven to be the most efficient. innovative, and cost-effective way to be viewed as a key person of influence within your field.

Get ready to amplify your authority, increase your visibility, and achieve the recognition you deserve.

And here's the rest of the story ...

Visibility 360 Advanced Authority Acceleration™ Campaigns

How It Works

Visibility 360's strategies and programs are transforming skilled professionals into highly recognized and celebrated authorities turning the unseen into the unforgettable. Our approach doesn’t just amplify your brand; we turn your expertise into a magnet for A-list clients and elevate your income significantly and in some instances as much as 80%. Visibility 360 isn't just a marketing firm. We are the architects behind the scenes who are magnifying the sphere of influence for independent professionals in six months or even less.

Our Secret?

Shh ... it's our unparalleled media connections.

A key component of our strategy is leveraging our extensive, far-reaching, and unwavering media relationships to ensure our clients not only gain visibility but become dominant figures in their niche.

This isn't just growth; it's a revolution in

professional branding.

Content Creation

Content creation is where Visibility 360 truly excels. Our program is not a mere visibility boost; it's a strategic overhaul of how you're perceived in your industry. Through a meticulously crafted blend of market positioning, strategic content distribution, and authoritative branding, we transform you from an industry professional to an industry leader, and preeminent expert in your field.

To begin your journey, you complete an
onboarding questionnaire during that provides the Visibility 360 team with the information needed to begin our process.
We use this information to create impactful content tailored for your specific audience to drive hyper-targeted traffic.

Imagine being the name everyone recognizes and respects in your field. Visibility 360 makes this a reality. We leverage media giants to position you as the go-to expert and create opportunities for strategic alliances for you that propel your practice or business forward.

We're not just building your brand; we're crafting your legacy. V360’s Advanced Authority Acceleration Campaigns feature content on six different platforms: news articles, blog posts, podcasts, infographics, videos, and slideshows created by our dedicated and talented staff of writers.

Visibility 360 and Founder, Barbara Drady has developed exceptionally powerful relationships with top media publications

and personalities who are real movers and shakers by using creative, out-of-the-box ideas … that’s “our secret sauce” so hundreds of high authority sites feature our clients' content, creating recognition that underlines and enhances their professional expertise.

Our campaigns position our clients as THE go-to EXPERT by multiplying exposure opportunities of the high quality content created exclusively for them.

At Visibility 360, we transform unseen experts into celebrated authorities.

Everyday PR tells the public that
you‘re an expert.


Media Exposure

You know you're good. You've got the skills, the knowledge, and the passion. But somehow, you're still flying under the radar, watching lesser talents receive the recognition and clients that should be yours. This is the plight of the invisible expert—a frustrating reality for many high-caliber professionals.

Enter Visibility 360, your secret weapon in the battle for recognition and professional supremacy.

Our unique V360 Advanced Authority Acceleration method isn't just another marketing strategy; it's a comprehensive system designed to launch you into the spotlight, ensuring your expertise is recognized, respected, and rewarded.

Visibility 360 uses a proprietary, labor-intensive, hands on method to build Advanced Authority Accelerator Campaigns for solo, independent, and entrepreneurial professionals. We turn the unseen into the unforgettable, transforming talented professionals into celebrated authorities. We don't just amplify your brand; we turn your expertise into a magnet for high-value clients, elevating your income by as much as 80% more than your peers.

Our skilled content creators develop engaging and persuasive content that resonates with your target audience.

Then the real magic begins.

We leverage our unparalleled media
connections to get your name in front of those
who matter most.

Our exclusive media relationships allow us to
meticulously craft tailored Advanced
Authority Acceleration Campaigns to
showcase your unique strengths, build on your visibility, and position you as the undeniable leader in your niche.

Our clients have experienced dramatic
transformations, not just in their professional
visibility and their bottom line, but in their
personal lives.

Social Proof

Social proof has proven to be a highly effective tool, especially online. It allows us to build trust, convey value, and im

One of the best tactics is to use authority media. By its nature, top media
plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions, opinions, and behaviors. Visibility 360 is masterful at this.

Here's how we do it and why.
>>> Trust and Credibility: Top media

platforms are respected and considered trustworthy sources of information. When you’re featured on these outlets, you gain an implicit endorsement, making you highly credible in the eyes of your target audience.

>>> Visibility and Reach:
Authority media has a wide reach, spanning regional, national, and even global audiences. By featuring a story, these sources significantly increase visibility, making you and your message more important to potential high value clients.

>> Influence and Opinion Shaping:
Authority media has the power to shape

public opinion. Through the way they
present information, including the
language and narratives they choose,
they can influence how your desired

clients perceive you, thereby creating social


>>> Selective Magnification: The choice of what content to cover and what to ignore is a powerful tool. By selecting the right stories over others, authority media can elevate your messaging in the social conscience, making it more important and desirable to your targeted audience.

>>> Associative Endorsement:
When your services or product are featured in authority media, it benefits from an associative endorsement.
This means that the positive qualities of the media, including integrity, quality, and reliability, are directly transferred to your service or product.

These electrical connections are pretty awesome, aren't they?


Visibility 360 is literally redefining how professionals gain authority and influence in their industry. Our unique blend of media relationships and content strategies accelerates brand visibility, attracting lucrative opportunities and top-tier clients. Investing with us means backing a game-changer in authority marketing, with a proven track record of

transforming professionals into industry leaders.

Our team of writers create informative and persuasive content that resonates with your target audience. From news articles and blog posts to video clips and thought leadership pieces, we help you tell your distinctive story.

Our targeted approach places you in front of influential audiences so that your expertise is recognized and valued.  We design a personalized strategy that highlights your unique strengths and sets you apart as a leader in your field. Clients of Visibility 360 enjoy enhanced recognition, increased demand for their services, and significant income growth.

Remember, in today's competitive landscape, being the best just isn't enough.

You need to be the best-known!

Why should you let Visibility 360 be your guide to achieving professional preeminence?

With our proven strategies,
we've turned the unseen into the unforgettable, transforming skilled professionals into celebrated authorities. We don't just amplify your brand; we turn your expertise into a magnet for high-value clients while significantly enhancing
your income.

In a world where attention is the new currency, your professional success hinges on more than just your expertise—it requires visibility and authority.

Visibility 360 offers a proven pathway to elevate your status and demand in your marketplace. Many professionals excel in their craft but falter in the marketplace due to a lack of strategic visibility and the necessary resources to achieve that visibility.

It is the gap between talent and recognition where Visibility 360 excels, bridging the divide with our innovative strategies. Our clients have experienced dramatic transformations, not just in their professional visibility, their bottom line, and their personal lives.

Look What Our Clients Are Saying...


Dr. Kana B, London UK Physiotherapist

"Barbara Drady and Visibility 360 changed my life..."

"I was drowning before Barbara walked into my life, to be absolutely transparent, she walked into my office as a patient.

I was barely able to pay my bills to keep my doors open. I didn’t have new clients coming into my practice…no referrals from colleagues, things were not good at home, I didn’t know what to do. I hated to think about it but I even considered closing my practice. I owed everybody! I was afraid to answer the phone lest it be a bill collector.

Barbara Drady and Visibility 360 changed my life. I am now the preeminent expert in my field. My phones are ringing off the hook with patients who are clamoring for appointments. I’ve raise my fees too. I hired another Physio to handle the many new patients in my Chelsea office and I’ve opened another office in Kensington."


Dr. Selena C., Chicago Cosmetic Dentist

"…I’m now a highly recognized cosmetic dentist in Chicago."

I have a waiting list for new patients to see me. I hired a young associate and another hygienist.

"Just a little over a year ago, things in my life were not good. My independent Chicago dental practice was in real trouble. I was spending too much on just keeping the doors open. I considered closing my practice and going back to work for a corporate practice. I hated that thought, I loved being independent and being the boss. I had to grow my practice to the next level or throw in the towel.

Luckily, a friend told me about Visibility 360 and Authority Marketing. I’m now recognized as a preeminent expert in cosmetic dentistry in Chicago. My phones are ringing off the hook. I hired a young associate and another hygienist to handle my many new patients. Even with the extra staff, I’m earning more than I’ve ever earned before."


Serena S., Independent CPA, Chicago

"my business went from struggling to fabulously successful"

“Visibility 360 and Barbara Drady are the real deal. Thanks to Advanced Authority Marketing, my business went from struggling to fabulously successful. I’m Serena, an independent CPA in the Chicago area.

Thanks to Barbara and the V360 Advanced Authority Accelerator™ program, my practice is thriving and profitable now. I’m booked for months with Estate and Trust Planning clients. I’ve hired staff to handle tax preparation clients so I can concentrate on more profitable areas of my practice."

V360 Authority Amplifier Accelerator™ Campaigns

Let's Talk

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To All Your Concerns

What can Visibility 360 do for me and my business?

Clients of Visibility 360 enjoy enhanced recognition and increased demand for their services.

Our clients have experienced dramatic transformations, not just in their professional visibility and their bottom line, but in their personal lives too.

How do V360 Advanced Authority Accelerator Campaigns work?

We create consistent ultra-specific content about your business that is distributed to hundreds of websites and platforms in 6 different media formats: news articles, blog posts, podcasts, slideshow presentations, videos, and infographics. This content attracts hyper-targeted traffic to your business by building authority, online exposure, and trust.

How long until I see results?

You’ll see results within 24-48 hours of your campaign going live - but to get to be recognized as the expert you are requires consistent campaigns stacked up over time.

Does this work for any profession?

It will work slightly differently for different professions, but yes! You can promote almost any medical, legal, financial, coaching, or consultancy service with this solution.

How long is the turnaround time for a campaign once it is submitted?

Our current turnaround time is (on average) 14-18 days, but we can occasionally fast track campaigns for no extra cost and have them back for you to preview within 72-96 hours.

How do you measure the success of the campaigns?

Visibility 360 provides you with two monthly reports. One will show you all of the places you've been mentioned., the domain authority of each, and the all of your keywords and their rank. You can expect 300+ different media sites to feature you each month and lots and lots of relevant keywords. The other will track your success with Google Analytics.

Can we pick where the content is placed?

We can do our best, but we can not promise distribution to specific sites - this is dependent on our media contacts. Each campaign is a little different and the exact number of sites we submit to varies. It's typically the top 20 sites that provide 80% of the benefit. If you select to utilize our ‘Premium Distribution’ we can guarantee exposure in Yahoo Finance and 5 other 8 figure monthly traffic media sites.

What is hyper-targeted traffic?

Our 14+ content team doesn’t produce fluff pieces. We write highly optimized articles, blogs, videos, SlideShare presentations, infographics, and podcasts that are designed to get you in front of your ideal clients and your colleagues. You need to produce content on a regular basis.

Is the content AI produced?

We occasionally use Google searches and AI for research, but the article and blog post are handwritten by in-house authors. They use automation to help craft the audio ad, infographic, slideshow and video.

What if I don't like the content you produce about me and my business?

It happens, but don't worry. We will complete all revisions necessary to make sure you’re 100% happy with the content.

Can I buy a single campaign?

We do not sell single campaigns. The reality is, like any effective content marketing strategy, it requires consistent content to be successful. We want to ensure every Visibility 360 customer is set up for success from day 1.

Isn't this just PR?

PR tells the public that you‘re an expert

Contact Us

(707) 477-0643

219 E Lake Shore Drive, Chicago IL 60611